Health Benefits And Uses Of

Potassium Ascorbate

Potassium Ascorbate is a valuable supplement for those seeking to address potassium and vitamin C deficiencies, as it offers antioxidant protection, supports collagen synthesis, promotes healthy circulation and heart function, and may help manage degenerative processes through its alkalizing effect and ability to regulate hormone levels.

Potassium Ascorbate

Antioxidant Support

Potassium Ascorbate Background and Benefits

Potassium ascorbate is a chemical compound with the formula KC6H7O6. It is the potassium salt of ascorbic acid, which is a form of vitamin C. The commercial preparation of potassium ascorbate is accomplished through chemical means. Ascorbic acid and potassium bicarbonate are refined to a purity of at least 97 percent. These two chemicals are then mixed in cold water to produce potassium ascorbate.

Potassium ascorbate provides a biologically available form of potassium and vitamin C, both of which are essential nutrients. Potassium is a chemical element with the atomic number 19. It’s so-named because it was first isolated in potash, which was originally produced by soaking plant ashes in water. Potassium is essential for all forms of life.

Vitamin C is a collective term for a group of related compounds based on ascorbate. This group also includes ascorbic acid and its salts. Some oxidized forms of ascorbic acid such as dehydroascorbic acid also exhibit vitamin C activity. Vitamin C is necessary for all life forms, although virtually all organisms can synthesize it from other substances. The known exceptions include humans and some other primates, guinea pigs, capybaras, and most bats.

Potassium ascorbate offers specific advantages compared to other methods of delivering potassium and vitamin C. For example, potassium ascorbate is a chelator that allows it to bind other minerals. This property allows potassium ascorbate to be easily transported and retained in the body. It may also help to regulate hormone levels, which can support fertility.

Potassium ascorbate is a less acidic form of vitamin C than ascorbic acid, which may allow it to resist cellular degeneration. This effect can help to manage degenerative conditions by eventually causing the responsible cells to die. The alkalizing effect of potassium ascorbate can also manage degenerative processes by maintaining healthy levels of potassium. This effect results from potassium ascorbate’s role as a potassium carrier within the cells. The antioxidant properties of ascorbate also help to inhibit degenerative processes.

Uses of Potassium Ascorbate

Potassium ascorbate has benefits of both potassium and vitamin C. These benefits include antioxidant activity, collagen production, healthy circulation and heart health support.

Healthy Circulation Support

Potassium ascorbate may help to maintain healthy circulation. This benefit is particularly applicable to systolic blood pressure, which is the blood pressure when the heart is contracting.

Collagen Support

Potassium ascorbate may support the production of stable collagen, which is used throughout the body. The most significant uses of collagen include connective tissue such as cartilage, blood vessels, and tendons.

Antioxidant Support

Potassium ascorbate’s antioxidant properties generally help to slow the aging process. Specific agents that potassium ascorbate can protect you from include nitrates, water contaminants, and air pollution.

Heart Health Support

Potassium ascorbate may support heart health by helping to maintain normal heart rhythm.

Signs You May Need Potassium Ascorbate

The signs that you may need potassium ascorbate include the signs of potassium and vitamin C deficiencies. The recommended daily allowance (RDA) of vitamin C is 200 mg/day, although many experts recommend much higher doses. A deficiency of vitamin C causes a characteristic set of symptoms known as scurvy. The first signs of scurvy include brown spots on the skin and spontaneous bleeding from mucous membranes. Severe scurvy causes the loss of teeth and suppurating wounds.

The most common causes of potassium deficiency include chronic diarrhea, excessive urination, and vomiting. The signs of a potassium deficiency generally relate to the resulting changes in metabolism and cellular membrane potential. These signs typically include muscle cramps, weakness, and decreased reflexes. More severe signs of a potassium deficiency include irregularities in heart rhythm and respiratory paralysis.
