Health Benefits And Uses Of


Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM), an organic sulfur-containing compound found in the atmosphere, plants, and various dietary sources, provides a biologically available source of sulfur, an essential nutrient, and is commonly used to support joint health, tendon function, exercise recovery, and manage seasonal conditions.


Support for Joint Health

MSM Background and Benefits

Methylsulfonyl methane (MSM) is also known by other scientific names such as dimethyl sulfone and methyl sulfone. It is an organic compound that contains sulfur, although it is relatively inert by itself. Significant quantities of MSM are found in the atmosphere over the ocean, and some plants also contain low levels of MSM.

The primary value of MSM in the body is to provide a biologically available source of sulfur, which is an essential nutrient for all plants and animals. Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) studies show that MSM can cross the blood/brain barrier, meaning that oral supplements of MSM can enter the brain.

MSM may be obtained from a variety of sources, including the diet, intestinal bacteria, and the body’s own metabolism. Common dietary sources of MSM include vegetables in the Brassicaceae family such as garlic and onions, which contain high levels of sulfur compounds. Eggs also contain high quantities of MSM, especially the yolks. Additional dietary sources of MSM include various nuts and seeds.

MSM is available in a variety of dietary supplements, both in pure form and combined with other nutrients such as chondroitin and glucosamine. The support of joint health is one of the most common reasons for taking MSM supplements.

Uses of MSM

The reason many people take MSM is to support the function of the joints. Additional uses of MSM include tendon support, exercise recovery, and the management of seasonal conditions.

Seasonal Conditions

You may also benefit from MSM if you need support for occasional seasonal conditions.

Exercise Recovery

Some people also take MSM before exercise to improve muscle recovery, especially for aerobic activities such as running.

Joint Health Support

Oral supplements containing MSM may help to support joint conditions such as discomfort and restricted movement. This use of MSM is often combined with glucosamine.

Tendon Health Support

The results of a clinical study suggest that a combination of MSM and other nutrients may help to relieve the discomfort of tendons in the feet.

Signs You May Need MSM

Poor joint function is one of the strongest signs that you may need MSM. Some people with an MSM deficiency may also experience general conditions such as slow recovery from illness and a greater susceptibility to other conditions. Additional signs of an MSM deficiency include discomfort from non-specific causes, low resistance to stress, and poor immune functions. Low MSM levels may also be associated with specific conditions associated with seasonal conditions and digestive health.

Synonyms and Similar Forms of Vinpocetine

dimethyl sulfone, methyl sulfone
