Health Benefits And Uses Of


L-histidine is an essential amino acid that provides joint support by managing conditions associated with immunoglobin IgG, while also offering potential benefits for seasonal discomforts, blood cell production, and nervous system maintenance, making it useful for those with related issues.


Joint Support

L-Histidine Background and Benefits

Histidine is one of the 23 amino acids used to build proteins in humans, known chemically as proteinogenic amino acids. It uses the codons cytosine-adenine-uracil (CAU) and cytosine-adenine-cytosine (CAC). The German physician Albrecht Kossel first isolated histidine in 1896. It was first believed to be an essential amino acid only in infants, although subsequent research has now established histidine as an essential amino acid for all humans.

An imidazole functional group is one of histidine’s defining characteristics and accounts for many of its biochemical effects. This group serves as a catalytic site for some enzymes, and it is also commonly used in biosynthesis of metalloproteins. Histidine is also frequently used to activate amino acids such as cysteine, serine and threonine as nucleophiles.

Humans can biosynthesize small amounts of histidine in the form of 3-methyl histidine. However, this quantity is insufficient to meet the body’s requirements for histidine. The primary dietary sources of histidine are animal protein, including meat, eggs and dairy products. The best plant-based sources of histidine include grains such as rice, rye and wheat. Additional vegetable with significant histidine levels include beans, buckwheat, cauliflower and potatoes. L-histidine is often sold in pure form, commonly known as L-histidine base, for use as a health supplement.

Uses of L-Histidine

One of the most common uses of L-histidine as a health supplement is for the support of joint function. It is also used to support seasonal conditions and the nervous system. Blood production may also be a benefit of L-histidine supplements.

Support for seasonal conditions

Histamine causes many of the symptoms associated with seasonal conditions. L-histidine may help manage seasonal conditions by reducing the release of histamine from mast cells.

Blood support

L-histidine may be useful in helping support the healthy manufacture of white and red blood cells.

Nervous system support

L-histidine may be helpful in maintaining the myelin sheaths that surround nerve cells.

Joint support

Some studies show that L-histidine supplements may help manage joint conditions, especially those associated with age. This benefit is most applicable for conditions caused by the immunoglobin IgG.

Signs You May Need L-Histidine

The symptoms of L-histidine deficiency occur most often in infants below the age of three months. Eczema is one of the most common symptoms in these cases. Additional symptoms of L-histidine deficiency in infants include mental retardation and speech defects. The presence of joint aches and stiffness is also a possible sign that L-histidine may help older adults. You may also benefit from L-histidine supplements if you have seasonal conditions.

Synonyms and Similar Forms of L-Histidine

L-histidine HCL, histidine
